Recently my blog was voted unofficially the most boring blog in the known universe by users. So I vowed to spice it up and maybe write in it a little. First let me begin by saying it is difficult to write content when you basically realize a grand total of 3 people may read it after you spend much time on writing it. Oh well. I will just talk about myself. That will lull somebody into a deep slumber if they happen to wind up reading this God forsaken blog. Currently I listen to the TWIT podcast and engadget. I got the new 30 gig video iPod for my birthday. I primarily use it at work, so I haven't utilized the video aspect much. I used to listen to Diggnation but I'd rather just read the site. NPR puts out a lot of audio content if you care for that sort of thing. I actually enjoy listening to podcasts (call me crazy).
Hmmmm what else.......I could care less about the Xbox 360. Why should a game machine have more processing power than a desktop? That is a rhetorical question.
I believe everything should be WIFI enabled. Even toasters.
Ah, here is something interesting I want to talk about. You may have heard, T-Mobile and some other telecom companies are kicking around the idea of making cellphones WIFI enabled. It will roam and lower your fees if you call while in a hotspot. Now here is my personal opinion. I want a WIFI phone, I don't care if it is USB phone that needs to be connected to a laptop, but the calls should be free, or unlimited for a set fee. I suppose that sounds a lot like Skype huh. Everybody is paying a lot of money for bandwidth these days. Bandwidth should be less expensive and more flexible. Ok, I am done rambling for now. So remember these things: WiFi should be free and the world should be one giant hot spot. All devices should have WiFi capability. Yes there is a Santa Claus, and no he isn't Satan.